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Devotions > Revival and Light

5 Apr 2012


 Where you are right now, is there light?     Light can represent the physical wave lengths of energy that provide for vision.  When we think of light in this way; we notice there is variation in the acuteness of our seeing based on the amount of light that is present on the object being observed.   The more light involved, the more detailed features are able to be observed

The word light can also represent the activity of enlightenment or understanding. We say things like:  “her comment shed considerable light on this situation” or “it just dawned on me.”  Again, as we use the word light in this way there can be considerable differences in the extent of the light.

The bible has perhaps more complex meanings for the word light.  In biblical context light is sometimes not so easily defined.   Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”   John tells us that “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”  

In John 11:9-10 Jesus stated: “Are there not twelve hours in the day?  If anyone walks in the day he does not stumble because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks in the night he stumbles because the light is not in him.”   The context for His statement was Jesus informing His disciples that He planned to return to Judea even though the religious leaders there were planning to kill him.   His reason to return was to raise Lazarus from the dead.   In this case, as in several others, Jesus did not seem to respond to the situation as we would expect.   He waited three days after Lazarus was dead to return to Bethany.

Jesus said something similar when His disciples ask regarding the man who had been blind from birth, “who sinned, this man or his parents?”  His response after telling His disciples, neither this man nor his parents had sinned, was: “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no man can work, As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -  John 9:4-5

Does it seem strange that in both situations noted above Jesus is not doing what was expected by His disciples or others who were nearby, but rather He seemed to surprise those who were following?  Yet He spoke in both of these cases about light.    Could this be due to His disciples being in the dark?

Perhaps the light of which Jesus is speaking is spiritual light to enhance spiritual vision?  Is this the light that we need to have in us?    Would it be appropriate to again consider the question: where you are right now, is there light?

 Much in our world today seems wrecked and wholly in the hands of Satan.  But should we consider the things that seem most broken are perhaps allowed in order that the works of God might be revealed in them?   The context for most of the revivals in the history of the Church we find that spiritually activity is replaced with organization and the actual power of the gospel comes up AWOL.    Further the Church has been on a downward slide into a position of having nearly no influence on families or communities or the nation.  Another notable fact, major revivals have often preceded a great national calamity, such a here in the U. S., the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War.

So then, what is the activity of light?    Perhaps spiritual light enables vision, not the vision of a visionary, but vision to see the work the True Visionary is doing.  Possibly the more light the more sharp the vision.

There is increasing thought and conversation being communicated by spiritual leaders in the past several months that God is up to something REALLY BIG.  The signs seem to be everywhere.   I believe that this really big something is revival preceding unheard of calamity. 

 Is God giving you light?  It is not necessary that each of us see the same thing; it is important that each of us receive spiritual light.   What shall we then do?   As for me, I believe I should pray for and prepare for revival, as revival will be our best preparation for what God has planned next.   How about you?   Will you plan to pray and prepare for revival?    God will be glorified by this praying and preparation.

Jeff Williams